Bennachie - April 2015

As spring has officially sprung (apart from the brief blizzard yesterday) it seemed rude to not get into the hills for a ramble - starting off easy with Mither Tap (518 m,  1699 feet).

“The air is part of the mountain, which does not come to an end with its rock and soil. It has its own air; and it is to the quality of its air that is due the endless diversity of its colourings. Brown for the most part in themselves, as soon as we see them clothed in air the hills become blue. Every shade of blue, from opalescent milky-white to indigo, is there.”  

Nan Shepherd - ‘The Living Mountain’ - Chapter Six : Air and Light.

I was focusing on textures and how people effect/impact the outdoors  - inspired by just having finished reading Nan Shepherd - The Living Mountain. 

Great to be out in the hills again - cant wait for a trip to the west coast next week.

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