RGU Snow in Val Thorens

You may have noticed I’ve been a bit quiet on the social media front over the last week. I’ve been off in France with RGU snow documenting some of their amazing 280 strong, drunken banter filled trip to the Alps… and had no free wifi.

Sadly the weather wasnt great (video wise) on the hill, with only one half day of clear sunlight with the rest of the week being low visibility which made it tricky / impossible to get a lot of the skiing and scenic shots that I wanted.

Never the less I had really good fun shooting at Apres I was totally in my comfort zone. It felt just like shooting a club but with some epic scenery.

These shots where taken at 360 Bar Val Thorens.

Happy I managed to snap a few shots on the hill while the weather was on our side the sun was even out.

One night of clear skies allowed for my first real taste of astro photography.

These is just a little portion of the photos I took on the trip and look forward to RGU Snow posting the rest so keep an eye on their page :)

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