Canon AS-6 first photos and impressions.

Some of you may have noticed my last post about my new camera if not you can give it a wee read here.
I got all the film developed from 2 sessions in the water - one from Sandend and one from Philorth. So chuffed with the results - and relieved that it worked - but it has taken a bit of getting used to.

As with any relatively old film camera there will be some initial creases to iron out and this Aqua Snappy is no exception. Some problems I’ve noticed include that IT LEAKS, sometimes wont load some rolls of film properly and there has been some glitchy dots appearing.

The leaking seems to have caused some further problems with the battery compartment and some fogging on the inside of the lens.

Most of these should be relatively simple to fix and it will definitely be worth it as the photos speak for themselves.

These are some of the photos from the first day in the water at Sandend. I noticed some minor leaking and now - looking at the two batches of photos - a lot less water droplets on the lens which is annoying as I was rather counter productively making an effort the keep the drips off at Philorth. (And about half the roll was unusable due to drips)

As you can see a lot of them are not perfectly sharp but I really like them and the added excitement of getting of film developed with no idea whether any of it will have worked / your camera body is full of sea water is always fun.

I love the shots from this camera and cant wait to start using it again after I sort out some of the issues.

Here’s a few from out of the water.

Hope you like them and there will be many more to come.

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